
Do you have an Enterprise Content
Management company?
If so, you've come to the right place. We are a company with a long history, becoming passionate enthusiasts to offer our experience to the "Enterprise Content Management Industry", in the field of developing solutions for the sector.
Our 40 years of experience allows us to assist companies in the creation and implementation of “Enterprise Content Management Solutions”(ECM) for their your customers.
We have an Alliance of Commercial Program with more than 25 years in operation, which has allowed us to form empathetic and successful work teams... and which has resulted in our presence in more than 20 countries in Hispanic America.
In times of change... It is necessary to adapt!
The eternal search for innovation...
We have developed AIRE scav, an Enterprise Content Management software that allows modeling any process for information management.
It is versatile, easy to use, fully parameterizable and configurable without the need for programming; characteristics that make it an effective tool for information control.
More than 250,000 users are active in more than 2,000 companies... so they confirm it.
"It is not possible to solve today's problems... with yesterday's solutions."
More than 2,000
In 20 countries
A network of Commercial Allies in more than 20 countries…
More than four decades developing technological solutions support us to offer you our capacity and complement or create custom developments of the particular problems of their clients.
Our Commercial Allies make up a network of experts in the creation of Enterprise Content Management Solutions... distributed in several countries of Hispanic America.
We have state-of-the-art technology and we grant total flexibility for your company to incorporate it as part of your product offering.
We advise establishing rules, procedures and technologies essential to manage information and preserve the company's intellectual capital. For this we have developed specific applications for all kinds of needs; we offer a offer easy training and… you can have direct access to the Development Team.
We supply our software AIRE scav with more than 30 years of development…
AIRE scav has several features ready to use...
We have: